BFI consultation on education policy

The BFI has announced a consultation phase for its education strategy:

From: Narena Modeste []

Sent: 11 November 2013 17:05

Subject: BFI opens consultation on new education strategy for film, TV and screen media.

Importance: High

Dear colleague

I am writing to announce the opening of the consultation phase for a comprehensive new strategy to support film, television and screen media education across the UK.  I believe that you can make a very valuable contribution to this process.

A great deal has already been achieved in film education, and there is excellent practice to be found in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and England.  Furthermore, since the launch of Film Forever twelve months ago, the BFI has completed the first year of the BFI Film Academy (for aspiring young film makers) and awarded Lottery funding to FILM NATION UK (to deliver film into the education of all 5-19 year olds).  At the same time, we continue to support education through our programming, our online services, and our in-venue work at BFI Southbank.

Now is the time to bring our vision and plans up to date, to confirm the value of partnership across the sector, and to define the specific role of the BFI itself.  We also want to bring into focus the evidence we have for the importance of learning about – and through – screen media, and we will commission additional research where gaps can be identified.

I do hope that you will be able to join us in this endeavour.  You can read more about the proposal, and find key questions to answer, here:

Please note that all responses to this first phase of consultation should be received by December 13th.

I look forward to hearing from you

With best wishes


 Dr Paul Gerhardt

Director of Education

British Film Institute